Graduating experience data is easy when you have the right tools for the job. This website includes a tool and tips to help you become more effective in dealing with the experience data you already have.

I am making this tool and the related documentation available without charge. You may use it for your graduations, whether personal, academic, or business related. You may quote the material, provided you give a reference to this website. You may not include any of this material in any software distribution for which you receive any remuneration.

Here are some files that you may find useful.

Last update of files: 2022 09 07, executables; 2022 09 10, documentation.

The files are my own work, and they have been scanned as free of viruses. The dll should work in Windows XP and later versions. It may work under other Windows operating systems, but the dll is unlikely to work on a non-Windows platform. If you need the dll for another platform and are able to compile C code, you can contact me for the source code.

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R.C.W. (Bob) Howard, FSA, FCIA
Waterloo, ON